If you like our site, please consider linking to us. A great deal of work goes into managing a free site such as this one, and links help us do well and therefore allow us to put more work into the site.
Below you can find the HTML code to create a text link from a page on your site to the front page of KMT.
Text Link:
Copy the following HTML code into your web page to create a link to us. Simply add your text in the code below instead of INSERT YOUR TEXT HERE to name the link..
Simply copy the following HTML code into your web page to create a link to us with this banner:
Small Banner
<a href="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/"><img src="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/images/banners/kmt-banner-small.jpg" alt="KMT" ></a>
Medium Banner
<a href="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/"><img src="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/images/banners/kmt-banner-medium.jpg" alt="KMT" ></a>
Large Banner
<a href="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/"><img src="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/images/banners/kmt-banner-large.jpg" alt="KMT" ></a>
SVG Banner
<a href="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/"><img src="http://knowledge-management-tools.net/images/svg/km-banner-new.svg" alt="KMT Banner" ></a>